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Torpedo Zone

Marco U-78 Scirè

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ehm... Marco a me il link lo da al film "submarine attack" del 1954, Amazon dice di produzione USA ma in realtà trattasi de "la grande speranza" tradotto in inglese


alcuni dati tratti da Amazon al link


Submarine Attack (1954)


Actors: Lois Maxwell, Renato Baldini, Carlo Bellini, Aldo Bufi Landi, Earl Cameron

Directors: Duilio Coletti

Language: Italian

Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1

Run Time: 92 minutes


dal retrocopertina

One woman trapped with a crew of desperate men. Winner of two awards at the 1954 Berlin International Film Festival, Submarine Attack stars Lois Maxwell (James Bond's "Miss Moneypenny") and an all-star international cast in a thrilling WWII ocean epic that tells a unique tale of profound humanity. When an Italian U-boat torpedoes a Danish freighter in the treacherous seas of the North Atlantic, the captain of the sub makes the noble decision to bring the ship's survivors onboard. But in order to save the lives of these men, the captain must leave his own vessel exposed to enemy attack and travel above the water line for 700 miles. Under these difficult circumstances, both captors and captives develop a mutual respect and camaraderie that transcends their wartime conflict.



This review is from: Submarine Attack (Sub) (VHS Tape)

This movie is okay to watch, but it's a little boring. When there is action the movie is good, when they sink a ship. Other than that it is a routine patrol of an Italian U-boat. Not a bad movie if you are really interested in submarines.

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Da un articolo di Cristiano D'Adamo (che potete leggere interamente qui)


ho letto che il battello utilizzato per le riprese in superficie è l'R12 (di cui aspettiamo con ansia il restauro della falsatorre).



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Questa foto è stata scattata sull'R.12 durante la lavorazione del film:



e questa, di mediocre qualità, mostra l'R.12 mentre viene rimorchiato in uscita dalla Spezia per le riprese in mare


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